Learning Pod Self Reflection

Learning Pod Self Reflection

What is your preferred mode of remote communication?

Zoom, Facebook messenger, or phone text.

What are your communication strengths?

I am good at communicating the progress of assignments, open to others’ opinions, and enjoy open communication.

What are your communication weaknesses? Where would you like to grow?

My public speaking skills still need improvement because I struggle to speak directly in front of a big group without relying on my notes or a pre-written script. To address this issue, I memorize my speech beforehand, practice it repeatedly, and seek opportunities to speak at team meetings to gain more experience.

Do you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert?

I think in between, but more introverted.

What time zone are you in?

Now, I am currently in Winnipeg, but I will be in China in the middle of June.

What time of day do you prefer doing academic work?


When you are upset, do you tend to share this with others or keep it to yourself?

I think both, it depends on the situation.

What do you like about group work?

I enjoy collaborating because it allows us to share ideas, brainstorm, and learn from each other. By sharing responsibilities, we can make complex tasks more manageable. Working in a group where we can be inspired by the strengths and expertise of others to improve our own skills and knowledge.

What don’t you like about group work?

Perhaps it’s team members who aren’t in charge or don’t want to do any work. I hardly ever encounter this situation, but that’s all I can think of right now about what I dislike about group work.

What else would you like your team to know?

Happy to work with all of you in this course 🙂

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